October – April: Open daily 8am – 5pm. Last admission 1 hour before closing.

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Select volumes from 1979 – 2022 are available for purchase at the Boyce Thompson Arboretum gift shop!

Discover Desert Plants, a botanical journal dedicated to showcasing indigenous and adapted arid land plants. Our biannual digital publication is perfect for both amateur and professional enthusiasts, covering topics such as desert horticulture, desert ecology, and history. Special issues spotlight specific regions or topics. Contact us at DesertPlants@btarboretum.org for more information.

Special Issues


Select volumes from 1979 – 2022 are available for purchase at the Boyce Thompson Arboretum gift shop. Visit us in person or contact us at  (520) 689-4546 for more details.

Annotated Flora of the Santa Catalina Mountains by James Verrier / $35

290 pages / color photographs / topo maps / 40 pages of flower photos.
The Santa Catalina Mountains are located just northeast of the Tucson Basin and are known for their diversity of plant life. James Verrier spent 10 years methodically exploring the Catalinas in order to produce this flora. The introduction provides an overview of the study area as well as information on collection history, plant diversity, geology, and assessments of rare and invasive plants. Color photographs are included throughout the flora. In addition to the annotated vascular plant checklist, the author provides a checklist of non-vascular plants.
Questions? Contact us at info@btarboretum.org

Thirty-Seven Years on a Mountain Trail by C. David Bertelsen / $27

247 pages / color photographs / graphs of flowering data, all taxa!
This special issue of Desert Plants features a flora and phenology study of the Finger Rock Canyon in Pima County, Arizona. The author hiked Finger Rock trail 1,627 times between 1981 and 2017 and covered a distance of 16,518 miles. During his hikes he recorded not only flowering times and numerous other observations about vegetation, but also observations of vertebrates he encountered along the way. His work is remarkable because of the span of time it covers, the number of species recorded, and the elvation range covered.

Supplemental Materials Volumes

Supplement for 35 Years on a Mountain Trail

Foreward by Richard Felger / Preface for 25 Years on a Mountain Trail

(previously published by author)

Floras and other Special Issues

Volume 32(1) 2016 – Perennial Grass-dominated Plant Communities of the Eastern Mojave Desert Region, Joseph R. McAuliffe

Volume 30(2) 2015 – Vegetation and Vascular Flora of Ironwood Forest National Monument, Pima and Pinal Counties, Arizona, John F. Wiens, Thomas Van Devender, Mark A. Dimmitt

Volume 29(2) 2014 – A Guide to North American Grasslands, David E. Brown and Elizabeth Makings

Volume 24(2) 2008 – Emergent Outcomes of the Interplay of Climate, Fire and Grazing in a Desert Grassland, Charles G. Curtin

Volume 23(2) 2007 – Buenos Aires National Wildlife Refuge, Arizona, John Bezy, Charles F. Hutchinson, Conrad J. Bahre

Volume 22(2), December 2006 – Flora of the San Pedro Riparian National Conservation Area, Elizabeth Makings

Volume 21(1) 2005 – Flora and Vegetation of the West Fork of Oak Creek Canyon, Coconino County, Arizona

Volume 19(2) 2003 – Traditional Western Apache Mescal Gathering as Recorded by Historical Photographs and Museum Collections

Volume18(1) – 2002 Flora of the Santa Cruz Kathryn Mauz

Volume 16(2) – 2000 Flora of the Ragged Top John Wiens

Volume 15(2) – 1999 Flora of the Sawtooth Mountains Kathryn Mauz

Volume 12(2) – 1996 Flora of the Tucson Mountains Renée Rondeau et al.

Volume 11(2-3) – 1995 The Gray Ranch Patrick S. Bourgeron et al.

Volume 9(3-4) – 1989 Riparian Forest and Scrubland Robert C. Szaro

Volume 8(2) – 1987 Flora of the Rincon Mountains Janice Bowers and Steven McLaughlin

Volume 7(2) – 1985 Symposium on Agave Donald Pinkava and Howard Scott Gentry, editors

Volume 6(2) – 1984 Ciénegas Dean A. Hendrickson and W.L. Minckley

Volume 5(2) – 1983 Desert Tepary Gary Paul Nabhan, editor

Volume 4(1-4) – 1982 Biotic Communities David Brown, editor

Volume 2(1) – 1980 Annual Saguaro Harvest Frank Crosswhite

Table of Contents

Volume 1

No. 1: Assisting Nature with Plant Selection, by Larry K. Holzworth, page 4; Aberrant Sex-ratios in Jojoba Associated with Environmental Factors, by Serena L. Cole, page 8; “J.B. Lemmon & Wife”, Plant Explores in Arizona, California, and Nevada, by Frank S. Crosswhite, page 12; “Extinct” Wire-Lettuce, Stephanomeria schotti (Compositae), Rediscovered in Arizona after More Than One Hundred Years, by Elinor Lehto, page 22; Southwestern Indian Sunflowers, by Gary Paul Nabhan, page 23; Transition from a Bermudagrass Lawn to a Landscape of Rock or Gravel Mulch, by Charles Sacamano, page 27; Preliminary Evaluation of Cold-hardiness in Desert Landscaping Plants at Central Arizona College, by William A. Kinnison, page 29; Effects of the 1978 Freeze on Native Plants of Sonora, Mexico, by Warren D. Jones, page 33; The Severe Freeze of 1978-79 in the Southwestern United States, page 37; The National Climate Program Act of 1978, page 40; Book Reviews, page 42; Arboretum Progress, by R.T. McKittrick, page 46.

No. 2: Editorial – Only Plants Can Make Sugar from Air and Water, page 51; Rubber Production in the Desert: Guayule Bounces Back, by William G. McGinnies, page 52; Establishing Vegetation on Highway Slopes in Arizona, by Martin A. Mortenson, page 58; Protecting Arizona’s Native Plants by Law and Regulation, by Richard A. Countryman, page 61; AVIS: A Prototype Arid Vegetation Information System, by Mariana Holland, page 71; A Study of Stem Inflation in Wild Buckwheat Eriogonum inflatum, by Anne M. Stone and Charles T. Mason, Jr., page 77; Soil Mixes for Greenhouse and Nursery Growth of Desert Plants, page 82; Conversions of Sawmill Waste to Garden Products by a Diversified Arizona Company, by Mary Pettigrew, page 90; Reviews, page 92; Arboretum Progress, by Robert T. McKittrick, page 95.

Volume 2

No. 1: The Annual Saguaro Harvest and Crop Cycle of the Papago, with Reference to Ecology and Symbolism, by Frank S. Crosswhite, page 3; Ethonobotany of the Saguaro, an Annotated Bibliography, by Bernard L. Fontana, page 63.

No. 2: Editorial – Rational Utilization of Desert Resources, page 80; Environmental Effects of Harvesting the Wild Desert Shrub Jojoba, by Kennith E. Foster, page 81; Vegetation and Flora of the Gran Desierto, Sonora, Mexico, by Richard S. Felger, page 87; The BLM Program in Arizona for Threatened and Endangered Plants, page 115; Hydrophytic Plants in Arizona’s Palustrine Landscapes, by Jon Rodiek, page 119; Wheat Establishment for Mulch on Coal Mine Soil in a Semiarid Environment, by A.D. Day, T.C. Tucker, and J.L. Thames, page 123; New Ground Cover Releases, by Warren D. Jones, page 127; Water Harvesting: An Alternative Irrigation Method for Desert Gardeners, by Richard C. Pratt, page 131; Arboretum Progress, by Robert T. McKittrick, page 135.

No. 3: Editorial – Stimulation of Desert Plant Research in the United States as a Little-known Result of the Russian Revolution of 1917, page 140; Arboretum Progress, page 180; Dry Country Plants of the South Texas Plains, by Frank S. Crosswhite, page 141; Distribution of the Boojum Tree, Idria columnaris, on the Coast of Sonora Mexico as Influenced by Climate, by Robert R. Humphrey and David B. Marx, page 183; Ammobroma sonorae, an Endangered Parasitic Plant in Extremely Arid North America, by Gary Nabhan, page 188; Biomass Potential in Arizona, by Kennith E. Foster, R. Leslie Rawles, and Martin M. Karpiscak, page 197; Reviews, page 201.

No. 4: Editorial – Fitness and Flexibility in Relation to Selection and Propagation of Desert Plants, page 204; Propagation Techniques for Desert Plants, a minisymposium, page 205; Special Supplement – Living with Desert Plants Through the Year, page 219; Sources of Arid Land Plant Seeds, by Kent C. Newland, page 231; Catastrophic Freezes in the Sonoran Desert, by Janice E. Bowers, page 232; Ferns and Fern Allies of the Garden Canyon Area of the Huachuca Mountains, Cochise County Arizona, by George Yatskievych, page 237; Reviews, page 244; Fifth Annual Arboretum Plant Sale, page 245; The Story of Jimson Weed, page 246.

Volume 3

No. 1: Editorial – Landscaping with Desert Plants, page 2; The Double-Cut Technique for Grafting Cacti to Trichocereus pachanoi Rootstock, an interview with Dan Bach, page 3; Observations and Comments on Pediocactus sileri in Arizona and Utah, by Ralph K. Gierisch, page 9; Special Supplement – the ABC’s of Landscaping with Desert Plants, page 17; Notes on the Flora of Arizona VI, by Charles T. Mason, Jr. and George Yatskievych, page 29; Bizarre Seed Patterns in Plants of the Indian Arid Zone, by Rajinder P. Bansal and David N. Sen, page 31; Arboretum Progress, page 39; Reviews, page 43; Land Fraud and Nutgalls, page 44.

No. 2: Editorial – Ethnobotany, page 46; Desert Plants, Habitat and Agriculture in Relation to the Major Pattern of Cultural Differentiation in the O’odham People of the Sonoran Desert, by Frank S. Crosswhite, page 47; Genotype-Environment Interactions in Two Cultivars of Spring Wheat, by A.D. Day, R.S. Swingle, and W.G. Dewey, page 77; On the Cenozoic Ecology and Evolution of the Sahuaro, by Charles H. Lowe and Warren Steenbergh, page 83; Arboretum Progress, by Robert T. McKittrick, page 87; Wetland Trees of Arizona for Possible Oasis Use in Arid Regions, by Jon Rodiek, page 88; A Climatologic Summary for Punta Cirio, Sonora, Mexico, by Robert R. Humphrey, page 92; Cousins to the South: Amphitropical Disjunctions in Southwestern Grasses, by Kelly W. Allred, page 98; How the Distribution of Manzanita in Arizona is Governed by Winter Rain, Acid Soil, Topographic Elevation and Freezing Weather, page 108.

No. 3: Editorial – Halophytes, page 110; New Salt Tolerant Crops for the Sonoran Desert, by N.P. Yensen, M.R. Fontes, E.P. Glenn, and R.S. Felger, page 111; Landscaping for Energy Conservation, by Martin D. Yoklic, page 119; Vegetation of the Gila River Resource Area, Eastern Arizona, by W.L. Minckley and T.O. Clark, page 124; Arboretum Progress, page 141; List of Seeds Available from the Boyce Thompson Southwestern Arboretum, page 142; Acacia redolens Used as a Groundcover along Arizona Highways, by Barbara Mulford, page 149; Stomatal Characteristics of Jojoba, Simmondsia chinensis (Link) Schneider, by D. Glat, A.K. Dobrenz and D. Palzkill, page 153; Hummingbirds as Pollinators of Flowers in the Red-Yellow Segment of the Color Spectrum, with Special Reference to Penstemon and the “Open Habitat”, by F.S. Crosswhite and C.D. Crosswhite, page 156; The Incredible Elephant-Foot Cissus, page 172.

No. 4: Editorial – Freedom in Research, page 174; Discovery of No. 832: An Essay in Defense of the National Science Foundation, by Hugh H. Iltis, page 175; Corn (Zea mays) in Relation to its Wild Relatives, page 193; Zea diploperennis: A Primitive Relative Offers New Traits to Improve Corn, by L.R. Nault and W.R. Findley, page 203; Arboretum Progress, by R.T. McKittrick, page 206; Colonel William Boyce Thompson, by William T. Smith, page 208; Revegetation of Copper Tailing Ponds in the Southwestern U.S.A. with Annual Grasses, by A.D. Day and K.L. Ludeke, page 210; The Morama Bean of the Kalahari Desert as a Potential Food Crop, with a Summary of Current Research in Texas, by Joseph Bousquet, page 213; Hohokam Use of Desert Food Plants, by Robert E. Gasser, page 216; Preservation of Genetic Diversity, page 236.

Volume 4

No. 1-4: Biotic Communities of the American Southwest – United States and Mexico, by David E. Brown (editor).

Volume 5

No. 1: The Tepary Connection: A Visit with W.D. Hood, by Martha Ames Burgess, page 3; Tepary Cuisine, by Carolyn Niethammer, page 8; The Nutritional Significance of Tepary Bean Consumption, by J.C. Sheerens, A.M. Tinsley, I.R. Abbas, C.W. Weber, and J.W. Berry, page 11; Tepary Beans, O’odham Farmers and Desert Fields, by Helga Teiwes and Gary Paul Nabhan, page 15; Cultivation and Use of Teparies in Sonora, Mexico, by S.J. Bouscaren, J.G. Waines, and L.A. Boykin-Bouscaren, page 38; Teparies as a Source of Useful Traits for Improving Common Beans, by C.V. Thomas, R.M. Manshardt and J.G. Waines, page 43; Sources of Tepary Seed and Rhizobia, page 49; Gene Transfer Between Tepary and Common Beans, by Richard C. Pratt, page 57; Growing Teparies in the Desert, page 64.

No. 2: Editorial – “To Instill in Mankind an Appreciation of Plants”, page 66; The Wild Beans of Southwestern North America, by R. Buhrow, page 67; Australian Acacias Used for Landscaping in Arizona, by Greg Starr, page 72; Biogeographical Distribution of Salt Marsh Halophytes on the Coasts of the Sonoran Desert, by N.P. Yensen, E.P. Glenn, and M.R. Fontes, page 76; Greenhouse Establishment of Alfalfa in Three Soil Materials Associated with Arizona Coal Mining, by A.D. Day, page 89; A Report on Special Events at the Boyce Thompson Southwestern Arboretum, by Carol D. Crosswhite, page 92; Reviews, page 92; Selenium and Castilleja, page 96.

No. 3: Editorial – Palms, Presidios and Pride: An Update on Arizona-California Sibling Rivalry, page 98; Arizona’s Own Palm: Washingtonia filifera, by Victor J. Miller, page 99; Leucaena – Rhizobium Compatibility and Nitrogen Fixation, by Paul E. Thoma, page 105; Guayule, Jojoba, Buffalo Gourd and Russian Thistle: Plant Characteristics, Products and Commercialization Potential, by K.E. Foster, M.M. Karpiscak, J.G. Taylor, and N.G. Wright, page 112; Carbon Dioxide Exchange Processes in Jojoba, by D.Glat, A.K. Dobrenz, and D.A. Palzkill, page 118; New Life From Ashes: The Tale of the Burnt Bush (Rhus trilobata), by Vorsila L. Bohrer, page 122; The Outdoor Classroom Program at the Boyce Thompson Southwestern Arboretum, by Carol D. Crosswhite, page 125; Reviews, page 127; Desert Plants as Indicators of Geology and Soil Types, page 128.

No. 4: Life Forms of Desert Plants, page 130, A Classification of Life Forms of the Sonoran Desert, with Emphasis on the Seed Plants and their Survival Strategies, by F.S. Crosswhite and C.D. Crosswhite, page 131; The Acanthaceae of the Southwestern United States, by T.F. Daniel, page 162; New Plant Records from the Sonoran Desert, by G. Yatskievych and P.C. Fischer, page 180; Publication of Dr. Howard Scott Gentry’s Book Agaves of Continental North America by the University of Arizona Press, page 191; Crassulacean Acid Metabolism, page 1921.

Volume 6

No. 1: Editorial – The Goodness of Plants, page 2; The Significance of Cacti in the Diet of the Javelina (Tayassu tajacu), by C.D. Crosswhite, page 3; Sub-surface Watering of Tree Seedlings in Arid Regions Using Discarded Plastic Infusion Sets, by A.S. Kolarkar and K.D. Muthana, page 5; Water Conservation Strategies for the Urban Arid Landscapes, by J. Rodiek, page 9; Ecology and Evolution of Southwestern Riparian Plant Communities, by F.W. Reichenbacher, page 15; Formation and Destruction of a Gila River Mesquite Bosque Community, by W.L. Minckley and T.O. Clark, page 23; Plant Geography of Southwestern Sand Dunes, by J.E. Bowers, page 31; Aloe vera, Plant Symbolism and the Threshing Floor, by F.S. Crosswhite and C.D. Crosswhite, page 43; Observations on Seeds and Seedlings of Fremont Cottonwood, by P. Fenner, W.W. Brady and D.R. Patton, page 55; John C. Fremont: Explorer, Plant Collector and Politician, by F.S. Crosswhite, page 59; Wild Cochineal of Prickly Pear (Opuntia sp.) as a Dye Source in Arizona, by C.D. Crosswhite, page 64.

No. 2: Editorial – Sociality in Bees, Plants and Man, page 66; The Boyce Thompson Southwestern Arboretum Groundcover Evaluation and Introduction Project, by C.M. Sacamano and W.R. Feldman, page 67; Sorghum Grain and Forage Yield Improvement in the Sonoran Desert by Use of Municipal Wastewater, by A.D. Day, T.C. Tucker and C.B. Cluff, page 70; History, Geology and Vegetation of Picketpost Mountain, by F.S. Crosswhite, page 73; On the Pollen Harvest by the Honey Bee (Apis mellifera L.) near Tucson, Arizona (1976-1981), by R.J. O’Neal and G.D. Waller, page 81; Honey Bees and Desert Plants, page 128.

No. 3: Ciénegas – Vanishing Climax Communities of the American Southwest, by Dean A. Hendrickson and W.L. Minckley, page 131.

No. 4: Editorial – The Importance of Legumes, page 178; Windthrow and Other Problems Associated with Eucalyptus, by F.S. Crosswhite, page 179; What is a Desert?, by W.G. McGinnies, page 182; Vegetative Key for Identification of the Woody Legumes of the Sonoran Desert Region, by R.M. Turner and C.L. Busman, page 189; The Southwestern Pipevine (Aristolochia watsonii) in Relation to Snakeroot Oil, Swallowtail Butterflies, and Ceratopogonid Flies, by F.S. Crosswhite and C.D. Crosswhite, page 203; A Naturally Occurring Orange-Topped Cardon (Pachycereus pringlei) Discovered in Baja California del Sur, by R.H. Perrill, page 208.

Volume 7

No. 1: Editorial – The Importance of Grasses, page 2; Cacti in the Living Plant Collection of the Boyce Thompson Southwestern Arboretum, by K.C. Newland and F.S. Crosswhite, page 3; Reviews, page 12; The Page Ranch Story – Its Vegetative History and Management Implications, by E.M. Schmutz, M.K. Sourabie, and D.A. Smith, page 13; Notes on Arizona Grasses, by J.R. Reeder and C.G. Reeder, page 22; Detection and Control of Sandblast Injury to Jojoba (Simmondsia chinensis (Link) Schneider) Seedlings, by J.A. Mosjidis, page 25; Damage to Mescal Bean (Sophora secundiflora) by a Pyralid Moth (Uresiphita reversalis), by C.D. Crosswhite and C. Randall, page 32.

No. 2: The Bat, the Blossom, and the Biologist, page 34; Symposium on the Genus Agave, by Donald J. Pinkava and Howard Scott Gentry (editors), page 36.

No. 3: Editorial – Trivia, Computers, Research, American Society, and Plant Science, page 118; Studies of Symbiotic Microflora and their Role in the Ecology of Desert Plants, by H.E. Bloss, page 119; The Plant Collecting Brandegees with Emphasis on Katharine Brandegee as a Liberated Woman Scientist of Early California, by F.S. Crosswhite and C.D. Crosswhite, page 128; Desert Landscaping in South-Central Arizona, by T.W. Yang, page 140; Large Woody Debris in Hot-Desert Streams: An Historical Perspective, by W.L. Minckley and J.N. Rinne, page 142; Trends in Distribution and Size of Stomata in Desert Plants, by M.D. Sundberg, page 154; a New Locality for Desert Fan Palms in California, by J.W. Cornett, page 164.

No. 4: Editorial – Dr. Herman Augustus Spoehr and the Concept of Intellectual Scurvy in Plant Science, page 166; New World Salvias for Cultivation in Southern Arizona, by G. Starr, page 167; Chrysothamnus nauseousus (Rubber Rabbitbrush): Multiple-Use Shrub of the Desert, by D.J. Weber, T.D. Davis, E.D. McArthur, and N. Sankhla, page 172; The Making of a Flora for Arizona, 1901 – 1951, or, Why Arizona Flora is Published by the University of California, by J.E. Bowers, page 181; Wildfire in Southeastern Arizona between 1859 and 1890, by C.J. Bahre, page 190; Trichocereus as a Potential Nursery Crop in Southern Arizona, with Discussion of the Opuntia Borer (Cerambycidae: Moneilema gigas) as a Serious Threat to its Cultivation, by C.D. Crosswhite and F.S. Crosswhite, page 195.

Volume 8

No. 1: Review and Editorial – Arizona the Land and the People, page 2; Habitat Relationships of Some Native Perennial Grasses in Southeastern Arizona, by J.H. Bock and C.E. Bock, page 3; Moth Pollinated Ipomaea longifolia (Convolvulaceae), by D.F. Austin, page 15; Effects of Dried Sewage Sludge on Forage Production from Barley Genotypes in the Sonoran Desert, by A.D. Day, R.K. Thompson, and R.S. Swingle, page 17; Reclamation and Fertilization of Coal Mine Soils in the Southwestern Desert, by A.D. Day and K.L. Ludeke, page 20; A Career of Her Own: Edith Shreve at the Desert Laboratory, by J.E. Bowers, page 23; Contact Dermatitis from Sonoran Desert Plants, by K.F. Lampe, page 32; Notes on the Flora of Arizona VII, by C.T. Mason, Jr., R.K. Van Devender, and G.D. Starr,, page 38; The Bitter Wild Cucumber of the Gila River, by F.S. Crosswhite, page 45; The Appleton-Whittell Research Ranch Sanctuary of the National Audubon Society, by J.H. Bock, and C.E. Bock, page 48.

No. 2: Flora and the Vegetation of the Rincon Mountains, Pima County, Arizona, by Janice E. Bowers and Steven P. McLaughlin, page 50.

No. 3: Editorial – The Precise Definitions of Hardiness and Xericity in Desert Plants, page 98; The Hybrid Palo Verde ‘Desert Museum’: A New, Superior Tree for Desert Landscapes, by M. Dimmitt, page 99; Effects of Sewage Sludge on Yield and Quality of Wheat Grain and Straw in an Arid Environment, by A.D. Day, R.K. Thompson, and R.S. Swingle, page 104; Sonoran Desert Rhizobia Found to Nodulate Acacia constricta, by H.B. Waldon, page 106; Floral Biology of Jojoba (Simmondsia chinensis), an Anemophilous Plant, by S.L. Buchmann, page 111; Desert Plants of Use and Charm from Southwestern Africa, by J.A. Aronson and H. Thompson, page 125; Effects of Soil Materials, Mulching Treatments, and Soil Moisture on the Growth and Yield of Western Wheatgrass for Coal Mine Reclamation, by A.D. Day and K.L. Ludeke, page 136; Bladderwort, Arizona’s Carnivorous Wildflower, by W.T. Johnson, page 140.

No. 4: Editorial – Generalities and Specifics in the March of Knowledge, Scholarship and Science, page 146; Flora of the Pinaleno Mountains, Graham County Arizona, by W.T. Johnson, page 147; An Ultraviolet Trap Survey of Insects at the Upper Reaches of Sonoran Desertscrub Vegetation in Central Arizona, by C. Randall and J.E. May, page 163; A Preliminary Theory for an Approach to Planning Environmentally Balanced Desert Landscaping, by F.S. Crosswhite and C.D. Crosswhite, page 167; The Occurrence of the Desert Fan Palm, Washingtonia filifera, in Southern Nevada, by J.W. Cornett, page 169; Nutritional Quality of Desert Mule Deer Forage in King Valley, Arizona, by K.R. Rautenstrauch, P.R. Krausman, F.M. Whiting, and W.H. Brown, page 172; Etymological Relationships of Pine Trees with Apache and the Pinaleno Mountains, by F.S. Crosswhite and C.D. Crosswhite, page 192.

Volume 9

No. 1: Arid Land Resource Impact – Betterment of the Quality of Life for Desert Dwellers, page 2; Dalea – Horticulturally Promising Legumes for Desert Landscapes, by G. Starr, page 3; Flowering Phenology and outcrossing in Tetraploid Grindelia camporum Green, by S.M. Schuck and S.P. McLaughlin, page 7; Geomorphology and the Distributional Ecology of Fremont Cottonwood (Populus fremontii) in a Desert Riparian Canyon, by K.K. Asplund and M.T. Gooch, page 17; The Theory Behind the Clump-Flatting Procedure in Cactus Propagation, by F.S. Crosswhite and C.D. Crosswhite, page 32.

No. 2: Editorial – The Moral Element in the March of Science, Technology and Agriculture, page 34; Freshwater Islands in a Desert Sand Sea: The Hydrology, Flora, and Phytogeography of the Gran Desierto Oases of Northwestern Mexico, by E. Ezcurra, R.S. Felger, A.D. Russell, and M. Equihua, page 35; Sesbania-Rhizobium Specificity and Nitrogen Fixation, by H.M. Abdel Magid, P.W. Singleton, and J.W. Tavares, page 45; Piman Indian Historic Agave Cultivation, by H.F. Dobyns, page 49; Nitrogen Fixation in Desert Legumes, by F.S. Crosswhite and C.D. Crosswhite, page 64.

No. 3-4: Riparian Forest and Scrubland Community Types of Arizona and New Mexico, by Robert C. Szaro, page 70.

Volume 10

No. 1: Editorial – Insect-Plant Relationships, page 2; Germination Requirements of Key Southwestern Woody Riparian Species, by R.S. Siegel and J.H. Brock, page 3; A Debt to the Future: Scientific Achievements of the Desert Laboratory, Tumamoc Hill, Tucson, Arizona, by J.E. Bowers, page 9; Buckmoths (Lepidoptera: Saturniidae: Hemileuca) in Relation to Southwestern Vegetation and Foodplants, by S.E. Stone and M.J. Smith, page 13; Bouteloua eludens Elusive Indeed, But Not Rare, by J.R. Reeder and C.G. Reeder, page 19; Nutritional Composition of Desert Mule Deer Forage in the Picacho Mountains, Arizona, by P.R. Krausman, L.L. Ordway, F.M. Whiting, and W.H. Brown.

No. 2: Editorial – Wild Medicinal Plants, page 50; Idria columnaris: Age as Determined by Growth Rate, by R.R. Humphrey and A.B. Humphrey, page 51; Leaf Unfolding Rates and Responses to Cuticle Damaging for Pulque Agaves in Mexico, by E. Garcia-Moya and P.S. Nobel, page 55; Forest Litter as a Seed Source in Coal Mine Reclamation in the Southwest, by A.D. Day and K.L. Ludeke, page 58; A Mexican Curandera in Arizona, by M.S. Zavada, page 61; Desert Plants of Use and Charm from Northern Chile, by J. Aronson, page 65; The Desert Marigold Moth, by T.G. Myles and B.F. Binder, page 75; Nutritional composition of Desert Bighorn Sheep Forage in the Harquahala Mountains, Arizona, R.F. Seegmiller, P.R. Krausman, W.H. Brown, and F.M. Whiting, page 87; Vegetative Propagation of Key Southwestern Woody Riparian Species, by D.P. Pope, J.H. Brock, and R.A. Backhaus, page 91; The Pulse of the Nation: The Legume Badge of the Plantagenets, by F.S. Crosswhite and C.D. Crosswhite, page 96.

No. 3: Editorial – Misconceptions Concerning Science, page 98; Flora of the South Mountains of South-central Arizona, by Thomas F. Daniel and Mary L. Butterwick, page 99; Trails of the Boyce Thompson Southwestern Arboretum, page 120; New Life from Ashes II: a Tale of Burnt Bush, by Vorsila L. Bohrer, page 122; The Genus Bursera (Burseraceae) in Sonora, Mexico and Arizona, U.S.A., by Matthew B. Johnson, page 126.

No. 4: Desert Plants in Transition, page 146; Woody Legumes in Southwest Desert Landscapes, by Matthew B. Johnson, page 147; Leucophyllums for Southern Arizona Landscapes by Greg Starr, page 171.

Volume 11

No.1: Editorial – Status of Desert Plants, page 2; Horticultural Survivors of a Southern Arizona Ghost Town, by D. Lowell Robinson and Albert K. Dobrenz, page 3; The Ecology of Sclerocactus polyancistrus (Cactaceae) in California and Nevada, by Richard May, page 6; Phenology and Stand Composition of Woody Riparian Plants in the Southwestern United States, by John Brock, page 23.

No. 2-3: Assessing the Conservation Value of the Gray Ranch: Rarity, Diversity, and Representativeness, by Patrick S. Bourgeron, Lisa D. Engelking, Hope C. Humphries, Esteban Muldavin, and W.H. Moir.

No.4: Hesperaloe: aloes of the West, by Greg Starr, page 3; Impact of Herbicides on Cacti, by Frank S. Crosswhite, William R. Feldman, and Edwin W. Minch, page 9; A Superior Accession of Western Honey Mesquite (Prosopis glandulosa var. torreyana) for Riparian Restoration Projects, by James C. Rorabaugh, page 31; Human Disturbance and Vegetation in Arizona’s Chiricahua Mountains in 1902, by Conrad J. Bahre, page 40.

Volume 12

No. 1: Pollen Harvest by Sonoran Desert Honey Bees: Conservation Implications for native Bees and Flowering Plants, by Steven L. Buchmann and Charles W. Shipman, page 3; Reforestation in Ecuador’s Dry Forest, by Anuarg A. Agrawal, page 12; History, Observations, and Monitoring of Pediocactus peeblesianus var. fickeiseniae on the Arizona Strip, by Lee Hughes, page 15; A Tale of Two Species: Speculation on the Introduction of Pachycereus pringlei in the Sierra Libre, Sonora, Mexico, by David Yetman and Alberto Burquez, page 23.

No. 2: Annotated Flora and Vegetation of the Tucson Mountains, Pima County, Arizona, by Renée Rondeau, Thomas R. Van Devender, C. David Bertelsen, Philip Jenkins, Rebecca K. Wilson, and Mark A. Dimmitt.

Volume 13

No. 1: Exotic Pest Plant Introduction in the American Southwest, by Barbara Tellman, page 3: Herbaceous exotic in Arizona’s Riparian Ecosystems, by Juliet C. Stromberg and Matthew K. Chew, page 11; Water Requirements of Arid-adapted Groundcover and Sub-shrub Species for Landscape Use in Arizona, by William R. Feldman, Steven A. Carter, and Kim W. Stone, page 18; Two Rare Plants of the Arizona Strip, by Lee E. Hughes, page 25; Echinocereus of the Mountain Pima Village of Nabogame, Chihuahua, Mexico, by Joseph E. Laferrière, page 28.

No. 2: Muhly Grasses and the Muhlenberg Family, with Notes on the Pietist Movement and Pietistic Ecology, by Frank S. Crosswhite and Carol Crosswhite, page 3: Designing a Place for Wildlife, by Carolyn Engel-Wilson, page 14; Dryland Plants of the Monte and Chaco of Northwestern Argentina and Western Paraguay, by Matthew B. Johnson, page 18.

Volume 14

No. 1: Reproductive Potential and Minimum Reproductive Size of Ferocactus wislizeni (Cactaceae), by Janice E. Bowers, page 3; Late 19th Century Human Impacts on the Woodlands and Forests of Southeastern Arizona’s Sky Islands, Conrad J. Bahre, page 8; The History and Vegetation of Nombinnie and Round Hill Nature Reserve, by Peter Milthorpe; page 22.

No. 2: Deciphering Prehistoric Plant Use at the Mazatzal Rest Area in the Upper Tonto Basin of Eastern Arizona, by Vorsila Bohrer, page 3; Recalling Famous Arizona Botanists, by Victor Miller, page 10; How Does Our Agave Grow? Reproductive Biology of a Suspected Ancient Arizona Cultivar, Agave murpheyi Gibson, by Karen R. Adams and Rex K. Adams, page11; Jatropha (Euphorbiaceae) in Southwestern United States and Adjacent Northern Mexico, by Matthew B. Johnson, page 21; Book Review, page 29; Two Recent Agave

Introductions, by Greg Starr, page 30.

Volume 15

No. 1: Eponymy of New Mexico Grass Names by Kelly Allred, page 3; Xeriscaping: A Common Sense Solution by Brett G. Woywood, page 11; A Scottsdale Xeriscape Project by Judy Mielke, page 18; Book Review, page 24; Famous Arizona Botanists by Victor Miller, page 25; Texas Hechtias – Terrestrial Bromeliads along the Rio Grande by Matthew B. Johnson, page 26; Dasylirion – The Shaggy Lilies by Greg Starr, page 29.

No. 2: Flora of the Sawtooth Mountains, Pinal County, Arizona by Kathryn Mauz, page 3.

Volume 16

No. 1: Distribution, Biology, and Potential Horticultural Uses of Big Bend Bluebonnet (Lupinus harvardii Wats.) – A Showy Winter Annual from the Chihuahuan Desert, by Tim D. Davis, Wayne A. Mackay, and Narendra Sankhla, page 3; Intriguing Chihuahuan Desert Yuccas in Cultivation, by Greg Starr, page 10; Observations on some Chihuahuan Desert Yuccas, by Matthew B. Johnson, page 14; A Day in the Syunt-Kasardagh Zapovednik, by William R. Feldman, page 20.

No. 2: Vegetation and flora of Ragged Top, Pima County, Arizona, by John Wiens.

Volume 17

No. 1: Madrean Oak Woodlands Along the Arizona/Sonora Boundary by Conrad J. Bahre and Richard A. Minnich, page 3; Seed Coat Treatments Influence Germination of Taxodium mucronatum by Rolston St. Hilaire, page 15; Desert Plants – Table of Contents by Margaret A. Norem, page 19; Landscape Plants Persistence at Williams AFB by Steven J. Carter and William R. Feldman; Name Changes of Legumes Used in Southwest Landscapes by Matthew B. Johnson.

No.2: Water-wise Landscaping, by Ran Pauker, page 3; Tissue Culture and Cloning of Carnegiea gigantea, Cactaceae by William P. Baker, Tyrone Harvard Hanks and Louis Eduardo Marin, page 13; Euphorbias of Matabeleland, Zimbabwe by Anthon F.N. Ellert, page 16; Landscape Water Use in Phoenix, Arizona by Chris A. Martin, page 26.

Volume 18

No. 1: Plants of the Santa Cruz Valley at Tucson by Kathryn Mauz, page 3.

No. 2: A Rapid Biological and Ecological Inventory and Assessment of the Cajon Bonito Watershed, Sonora, Mexico. Part 1: Natural History by Robert Hunt and Walter Anderson, page 3; Is Your Landscape Threatening the Desert? by Barbara Tellman, page 21; Identification and Taxonomy of Tamaris (Tamaricaceae) in New Mexico by Kelly Allred, page 26.

Volume 19

No: 1: Karoo Desert National Botanical Garden, by Ian Oliver, page 3; Botanizing in South Africa by Greg Starr, page 8; Hunting the Elusive Organ Pipe Cactus on San Esteban Island in the Gulf of California by Thomas Bowen, page 15; Propagation of Taxodium mucronatum from Softwood Cuttings by Rolston St. Hilaire, page 29; Distribution of the Exotic Mustard Brassica tournefortii in the Mohawk Dunes and Mountains, Arizona by Jim Malusa, Bill Halvorson, and Deborah Angell, page 31.

No. 2: Traditional Western Apache Mescal Gathering as Recorded by Historical Photographs and Museum Collections by Alan Ferg.

Volume 20

No. 1: Saguaros and Their Nurses in the Sonoran Desert: A Review by Taly Dawn Drezner, page 3; A Survey of Saguaro at the Northeastern Elevational Edge of their Range by Jonathan H. Titus, page 11; Demographic Changes and Epidermal Browning in Two Protected Populations of Saguaro Cactus (Carnegiea gigantea) by Dale S. Turner and Carianne S. Funicelli; Saguaro Patterns and Ecology Over Arizona: A Closer Look at Rainfall by Taly Dawn Drezner, page 24; Long-term Study of Preserved and Trensplanted Saguaros in an Urban Housing and Golf Course Development by Lisa K. Harris, Elizabeth A. Pierson, Carianne Funicelli, William W. Shaw, Susana Morales, Kelly Hutton and Jennifer Ashbeck, page 33; Use of Transplanted Saguaros by Native Cavity Nesting Birds by Susana M. Morales and William L. Halvorson, page 43; Saguaros Under Siege: Invasive Species and Fire by Todd C. Esque, Cecil R. Schwalbe, Dustin F. Haines and William L. Halvorson, page 49.

No 2: A Rapid Biological and Ecological Inventory and Assessment of the Cajon Bonito Watershed, Sonora, Mexico: Part II: Using the Variable Transect, by Robert Hunt and Walt Anderson, page 3; The Sperrgebiet – A Diversity Hotspot of Desert Plants, by Anje Burke and Coleen Mannheimer, page 19; Chollas, Circles and Seris: Did Seri Indians Plant Cactus at Circle 6? by Thomas Bowen, Richard S. Felger and R. James Hills, page 26.

Volume 21

No 1: Flora and Vegetation of the West Fork of Oak Creek Canyon, Coconino County, Arizona, by Edward Gilbert and Max Licher, page 3.

No 2: Perennial Festuca (Gramineae) of New Mexico, by Kelly W. Allred, page 3; Brady Pincushion Cactus, by Lee Hughes, page 13; Images from the Outback, by Matthew B. Johnson, page 21.

Volume 22

No 1: June 2006. Spotlight on a Global Biodiversity Hotspot – Namibia’s Sperrgebiet by Anje Burke, page 3; New Information on the Origins of Bottle Gourd (Lagenaria siceraria) by Mary Wilkins Ellert, page 8; Singing the Praises of Gardening in the Shade by Maggie Lee, page 18; Arboretum to Receive Research Grant by Mark Bierner, page 27; Book Review by Margaret Norem, page 28; Boyce Thompson Arboretum: Two Miles of Paths, 50 Acres of Wildflowers, Fall Color, Sonoran Desert Plants by Paul Wolterbeek, page 29.

No 2: December 2006. Flora of the San Pedro Riparian National Conservation Area by Elizabeth Makings, page 3.

Volume 23

No. 1: Electronic Field Guide to the Plants for Popular Recreation Sites in Arizona’s Sonoran Desert, William Theodore Johnson, page 3; The Outstanding Stamens of Pennisetum clandestinum, Kathyrn Mauz, page 10; book Reviews, Margaret Norem, page 12; Preliminary Finding of the Southwest Monarch Study, C.L. Kline, page 14; Arabian Desert Prime: Ornamental Potential of Hyper-arid Adapted Plants from Saudi Arabia, Jeffery M. Petrie, page 19.

No. 2: Buenos Aires National Wildlife Refuge, Arizona, John Bezy, Charles F. Hutchinson, and Conrad J. Bahre.

Volume 24

No. 1: Physiological and Structural Mechanisms of Niche Differentiation for Three Sky Island Oaks in Relation to Light and Temperature, H. Poulos, G. Brlyn and U. Goodale, page 3; The Boyce Thompson Arboretum and the Boys of the CCC, D. Mahan, page 13; Vegetation of Grassy Remnants in the Las Vegas Valley, Southern Nevada, J. Craig and S. Abella, page 16; The Canary Islands: Continents in Miniature, Lands of Myth, J. Petria, page 24; Book Review, R. Huxtable, page 40.

No. 2: Emergent Outcomes of the Interplay of Climate, Fire and Grazing in a Desert Grassland, C. G. Curtin, page 3.

Volume 25

No. 1: High Biodiversity in Association with the Common Baobab Tree, L. Hellekson, page 3; Cultivation of Carenegiea gigantean from Seeds: a Journey in Desert Ecology, Enrico Ceotto, Page 10; What is in a Name – Legumes of Arizona – An Illustrated Flora and Reference, M. Siegwarth and K. Lake, page 17; Enhancement of Nitraria retusa Growth by Rhizoshperic Microbial Inoculum, Z. Baroon, A. Yateem, and T. Al-surrayai, page 21; Monitoring update on Five Listed Plants and One Candidate Species on the Arizona Strip, L. E. Hughes, page 27; How to Photograph Desert Plants and Flowers, J. West, page 35.

No, 2: How the Use of Mesquite Impacts Grass Availability, Wild Ass Sanctuary, India, by C. Bitapi, S.P. Goyal, and P. R. Krauseman, page 3; The Double-Cut Technique for Grafting Cacti to Trichocereus pachanoi Rootstock, by Dan Bach, page 10; Note from the Director, by Mark Siegwarth, page 13; Dedication to Boyce Thompson Arboretum April 1929, by Franklin J. Crider, page 14; World Vegetation in Relation to the Boyce Thompson Southwestern Arboretum, by Homer L. Shantz, page 17; Effect of Pre-germination Treatments on Seed Germination of Helianthemum lippii (L.) Dum.Cours. by S. Zaman, S. Padmesh, and H. Tawfiq; Lonesome Valley: Río Huasco, River of the Atacama, by Jeffrey M. Petrie, page 24.

Volume 26

Number 1: Desert Plants and their Exudates, J.A. Santiago-Blay and J.B. Lambert, page 3; The Boyce Thompson Arboretum and the Boys of the CCC, D.M. Mahan, page 9; Note from the Director, M. Siegwarth, page 16; Desert Plant Food, J. Groen and D. Wells, page 22; A Debt to the Future: Achievement of the Desert Laboratory, Tumamoc Hill, Tucson, Arizona, J.E. Bowers, page 25.

Number 2: A Debt to the Past: Long-term and Current Plant Research at Tumamoc Hill in Tucson, Arizona, Robert H. Webb and Raymond M. Turner, page 3; BTA’s Director Travels to South Africa, Mark Siegwarth, page 19; Floral Survey of Central and Northern Nambia, Gregory J. Butler, Irene Liang, Spencer Sussman and Tom Wilson, page 23; The Desert Legume Program – A Brief History, Matthew B. Johnson, page 34. DELEP Seeds Will Go the the Arctic, Margaret Norem, page 36.

Volume 27

Number 1: Noteworthy Collections from Tempe Towne Lake Riverbed, Elizabeth Makings, Lane Butler, Matthew Chew, and Juliet Stromberg, page 3; DELEP Seed Arrive in Svalbard, Margaret Norem, page 11; Boyce Thompson Arboretum and the Global Strategy for Plant Conservation, Mark Siegwarth, page 14; Plants Found Along the Effluent Dominated Stretch of the Middle Santa Cruz River, Josh Gormally, page 19.

No. 2: Phenotypic Variations in Communities of Calligonum comosum L’Her (Polygonaceae) from Saudi Arabia, Wafaa K. Taia and Sanaa A.I. Moussa, page; Summary of the February 2011 Freeze and Effects on Plants in DELEP’s Tucson Fields, Matthew B. Johnson, page 13; Famine Food of Rajasthan Desert, R.Raj Bhansali, page 17; Boyce Thompson Arboretum Freeze Damage Analysis, Brad McNeill and Robert C. Balling, page 21; Boyce Thompson Arboretum and Desert Legume Program’s Search for the Wild Astragalus, Mark Siegwarth, page 34.

Volume 28

No. 1: Zen and the Art of Plant Communities, Mark Siegwarth, page 3; Patterns on Desert Plants, Alan C. Newell, Patrick D. Shipman and Todd J. Cooke, page 7; Threats to Sky Island Communities of Southeastern Arizona, Patti Baynham, page 22.

Number 2: Monitoring Two Milk-vetches on the Arizona Strip, Lee Hughes, page 3. Allometric Equations for Predicting Above-ground Biomass of Tamarix in the Lower Colorado River Basin, Xiaofang Wei, Subramania I. Sritharan, Ramanitharan Kandiah, and John Osterberg, page 6. Autumn is the Season for Seeds—DELEP/BTA Collecting Trips in 2012, Matthew B. Johnson, page 17. Indigenous Use of Mopane (Colophospermum mopane) in Northwestern Namibia, Holly Bainbridge, page 23. Box Number Two Arrives at the Svalbard Global Seed Vault, Margaret Norem, page 27. Some Thoughts From the Director: The Fascinating Family of Polygonaceae, Mark Siegwarth, page 28.

Volume 29

No. 1: The Vascular Flora of the Eagletail Mountain Region, Douglas R. Newton, page 3.

No. 2: A Guide to North American Grasses, David E. Brown and Elizabeth Makings. Evolutionary History of North Americas Grasslands, page 7; Arctic-Boreal Grasslands, page 14; Cold Temperate Grasslands, page 31; Warm Temperate Grasslands, page 66; Neotropical Savanna Grasslands, page 90.

Volume 30

Number 1: Right Under Our Noses-The Role of Floral Scent in Host Detection for a Solitary Specialist Bee, Olivia Messinger Carril, page 3; Oman Botanic Garden, Ian B. Oliver, page 9; A Genus Treatment for Acacia from Legumes of Arizona-An Illustrated Flora and Reference, page 19; The Arizona Hedgehog Project, Mark D. Siegwarth, page 29.

Number 2: Vegetation and Vascular Flora of Ironwood National Monument, Pima and Pinal Counties, Arizona, John F. Wiens, Thomas R. Van Devender, Mark A. Dimmitt, page 3.

Volume 31

Number 1: Boyce Thompson Arboretum and Desert Legume Program International Expeditions to Australia, Turkmenistan, South Africa, and Argentina. Australia, Matthew B. Johnson, page 4; Syunt-Khasardagh Zapovednik of Turkmenistan, William R. Feldman, page 10; Expedition to South Africa, Matt B. Johnson, page 20; The Monte and Chaco Regions of Argentina, Matthew B. Johnson, page 28.

Number 2: Survival and Performance of Cultivated Woody Legume Species in Yuma, Arizona, Matthew B. Johnson, page 4.

Volume 32

Number 1: Perennial Grass-dominated Plant Communities of the Eastern Mojave Desert Region, Joseph R. McAuliffe, page 4.

Subject Index




Adaptation to aridity 7(2): 39-50


Ag and Hort


Agave murpheyi 14(2): 11-20

Aguirre Valley 30(2): 19

Alfalfa (Medicago sativa) 5(2): 89-91, 94

Aloe vera 6(1): 43-50

Apache 19(2): issue

Apache 19(2): issue

Appleton-Whittell 8(1): 47-48

Arboretum Progress 1(1): 46-48; 1(2): 95-96;

Archeology 29(1): 16-21

Argentina 13(2): 18-32

Argetina expedition 31(1): 28-36

Arid Land Plant Resource Impact 9(1): 2,6,16,31

Arid Vegetation

Arid adapted groundcover 13(1): 18-24


Arizona Commission of 1(2): 61-70

Arizona Hedgehog Project/Rescue 30(1): 29-29

Arizona Notes 8(1): 38-40

Arizona cottontop 8(1): 3-14

Arizona strip 12(1): 15-22; 13(1): 25-2

Arizona sycamore 3(2): 88-91

Arizona walnut 3(2): 88-91

Australia 5(2): 72-75; 14(1): 22-32;

Australia Expedition 31(1):4-9

Australian landscaping 5(2): 72-75

Baja primrose 2(2): 127-130

Barley 8(1): 71-79; 8(3): 136-13

Bat 7(2): 34-35

Beans, tepary 5(1): 3-64

Bermudagrass 1(1): 27-28

Big Bend Bluebonnet 16(1): 3-9

Bighorn sheep 10(2): 87-90

Biomass Production 2(3): 197-200

Biotic Communities

Black grama 222-287

Bladderwort 8(3): 140-141

Bladderwort 8(3): 140-141

Blue grama 8(1): 3-14

Bluebonnet 16(1): 3-9

Boojum Tree 2(3): 183-187; 10(2): 51-

Botanists 14(2): 10; 15(1): 24

Boyce Thompson Arboretum

Boyce Thompson Arboretum 7(1): 3-11, 27-31

Brady Pincushion Cactus 21(2): 13-20

Brandegee, Katharine 7(3): 128-139, 158-162

Buckmoths 10(1): 13-18, 23-40

Buckwheat 1(2): 77-81

Buffalo Gourd 5(3): 112-117, 126

Bullgrass 8(1): 3-14

Bureau of Land Management 2(2): 115-118

Burnt Bush 5(3): 122-124; 10(3): 122

Bursera 10(3): 126-144

Cacti 7(1): 3-11, 27-31


Cajon Bonito Watershed 18(2): 3-20; 20(2): 3-18

Cane beardgrass 8(1): 3-14

Caudiciforms 5(4): 131-160, 186-190

Central Arizona College 1(1): 29-32

Central Arizona College 1(1): 29-32

Chaco dry forest 13(2): 18-32

Chapparal 4(1-4): 91-94, 95-99

Chihuahuan Desert 16(1): 3-9, 10-13, 14-19

Chile 10(2): 65-74, 79-86

Chiricahua Mountains 11(4): 39-45

Cholla circles 20(2): 26-35

Chromosome and hybridization 7(2): 93-100

Cienegas 6(3): 130-176

Classroom 5(3): 125

Climate 1(1): 40-41

Climax Community 6(3): 130-176

Coconino County 21(1): issue

Cold Tolerance 1(1): 29-32, 33-36, 37-39

Conservation 11(2-3): issue; 12(1): 3-1

Conservation 7(2): 88, 103-106

Corn 3(4): 193-201, 202-205

Cottonwood 6(1): 55-58; 9(1): 17-27

Countryman, Richard 1(2): 61-70

Crassulacean Acid Metabolism 5(4): 192

Cucumber 8(1): 45-46


Curandera 10(2): 61-64, 78

Curly mesquite 8(1): 3-14

Debris 7(3): 142-153

Dermatitis 8(1): 32-37

Desert Laboratory 8(1): 23-29; 10(1): 9-12,

Desert Plants 8(3): 125-135

Desert Resources 2(2): 80

Desert landscapes 9(1): 3-5, 28-31

Desertlands 4(1-4)

Design for wildlife 13(2): 3-13

Dryland plants 13(2): 3-13

Dune vegetation 6(1): 31-42, 51-54

Ecology 11(1): 6-22; 13(2): 3-113;

Ecuador 12(1): 12-14

Elephant-foot 3(3): 172

Endangered species 2(2): 115-118; 2(3): 188-

Eponymy 14(2): 3-10

Eucalyptus 6(4): 179-181

Euphorbias of Matabeleland 17(2): 16-25

Ferns 2(4): 179-181

Festuca 21(2): 3-12

Field evaluations 7(2): 57-10, 101

Fire, Southeastern Arizona 7(4): 190-194

Floods 6(1): 15-22, 23-30


Flora, notes 3(1): 29-30; 8(1): 38-40

Flora, publishing 7(4): 181-183, 211

Forage 10(1): 32-32; 10(2): 87-9

Forests and Woodlands 142-221

Freezes 1(1): 33-36, 37-39; 2(4):

Fremont, John C. 6(1): 59-62

Fungi 7(3): 119-127


Genetic diversity 3(4): 236

Gentry, Howard Scott 5(4): 191

Genus treatment 30(1): 19-28

Geophyte 5(4): 131-160, 186-190

Ghost town 11(1): 3-5

Gila River 3(3): 124-140; 6(1): 23-3

Grafting 3(1): 3-8

Grafting cacti 3(1): 3-8

Grasses 1(1): 27-28; 2(2): 119-12

Grasses 7(1): 22-23; 8(1): 3-14

Grasslands 29(2): 1-160

Grasslands 34-77

Gravel mulch 1(1): 27-28

Gray Ranch 11(2-3): 1-68

Grazing 7(1): 13-21

Greenhouse 1(2): 82-89; 5(2): 89-91,

Groundcover 2(2): 127-130; 3(3): 149-

Groundcover 6(2): 67-79

Guayule 1(2): 52-57; 5(3): 112-11

Gulf of California 19(1): 15-28

Hairy grama 8(1): 3-14

Hall’s panic grass 8(1): 3-14

Halophytes 3(3): 110; 5(2): 76-88; 5(

Hardiness 8(3): 98, 144

Harquahala Mountains 10(2): 87-90

Hectias 15(1): 26-28

Herbaceous exotics 13(1): 11-17

Herbicides on cacti 11(4): 9-29

Hesperaloe 11(2): 3-8

Hohokam 4(4): 216-234

Honey mesquite 11(4): 30-38

Honeybee 6(2): 81-94, 99-109, 128;

Hood, W.D. 5(1): 3-7

Horticultural survivors 11(1): 3-5

Howell, John Thomas 7(4): 181-183, 211

Human impact 11(4): 39-45; 14(1): 8-21

Hummingbirds 3(3): 156-170

Hydrophytic plants 2(2): 119-122; 5(4): 131-

Impact of herbicides 11(4): 9-29

India 3(1): 31-38

Indian paintbrush 5(2): 96

Information System 1(2): 61-70

Information systems 1(2): 71-76

Introductions 14(2): 30-31

Irrigation 2(2): 131-134; 6(1): 5-14;

Israel 17(2): 3-12

Jatropha 14(2): 21-28

Javelina 6(1): 3-4, 8

Javelina diet 6(1): 3-4, 8

Jimson Weed 2(4): 246

Jojoba 1(1): 8-11; 2(2): 81-86; 5(

Kaibab Industries 1(2): 90-91

Kalahari Desert 3(4): 213-215

Karoo Desert 19(1): 3-7

Kearney, Thomas 7(4): 181-183, 211

Land and People 8(1): 2, 41-44

Land fraud 3(1): 44

Landscaping 1(1): 27-32; 2(2): 127-13

Legumes 6(4): 178, 189-202; 10(4)

Lemmon, J.G. 1(1): 12-21

Lemmon, Sarah 1(1): 12-21

Leucaena 5(3): 105-111

Leucopnyllums 10(4): 171-175

Macrophytic plants 6(3): 131-175

Madrean Oak Woodlands 17(1): 3-14

Maguey verde 7(2): 61-64, 101-102

Manzanita distribution 3(2): 108

Mazatazl Rest Area 14(2): 3-9

Mazatzal Rest Area 14(2): 3-9

McClintock, Elizabeth 7(4): 181-183, 211

Medicinal plants 10(2): 50

Mescal 7(1): 32; 7(2): 81-87; 19(

Mescal gathering 19(2): issue

Mesquite Bosque Community 6(1): 23-30

Mexico 13(1): 28-32; 18(2): 2-20;

Mezcal industry 7(2): 81-87

Microflora 7(3): 119-127

Mohawk Dunes 19(1): 31-36

Moisture stress 6(1): 55-58

Monte Desert 13(2): 18-32

Montezuma Cypress 19(1): 29-30

Morama bean 3(4): 213-215

Muhlenberg Family 13(2): 3-13

Muhly Grass 13(2): 3-13

Mulches 1(1): 27-28; 1(2): 90-91;

Mule deer 8(4): 172-174; 10(1): 32-

Mustard 19(1): 31-36

Mycorrhizae 7(3): 119-127


Name Changes 17(1): 30-32

Namibia 20(2): 19-25

National Science Foundation 3(4): 175-192

Native Plants 1(1): 33-36; 1(2): 61-70

Nevada 8(4): 169-171; 11(1): 6-2

New Mexico 9(3-4): 68-138; 18(2): 26-

Nitrogen fixation 5(3): 105-111; 9(2): 45-5

Nodulation 8(3): 106-110

Nombinnie 14(1): 22-32

Nurseries 1(2): 82-89; 7(4): 195-20

Nutgalls 3(1): 44

Oak Creek Canyon 21(1): 3-60

Oak Creek Canyon 21(1): issue

Oak Woodlands 17(1): 3-14

Opuntia borer 7(4): 195-203

Orange-topped cardon 6(4): 208

Organ Pipe Cactus 19(1): 15-28

Outback 21(2): 21-32

O’odham 2(1): 2-61; 3(2): 47-76; 5(

Page Ranch 7(1): 13-21

Page Ranch 7(1): 13-21

Palms 5(3): 98-104; 7(3): 164; 8

Palo verde hybrid 8(3): 99-103

Papago see O’odham

Paraguay 13(2): 18-32

Parasitic plant 2(3): 188-196

Peebles, Robert H. 7(4): 181-183, 211

Penstemon 3(3): 156-170

Peru 3(4): 175-192

Pest plant introduction 13(1): 3-10

Petticoat palm 5(3): 99-104; 7(3): 164; 8

Phoenix 17(2): 26-31

Photosynthesis 1(2): 51

Picacho Mountains 10(1): 32-34

Picketpost Mountain 6(2): 73-80, 95-98, 110-1

Pietist Movement 31(2): 3-13

Pima County 12(2): 1-48

Pima County 16(2): 3-32

Pima Village 13(1): 28-32

Piman Indian 9(2): 49-53

Pinal County 1(1): 29-32

Pinal County 15(2): 3-28

Pinaleno Mountains 8(4): 137-162, 175-192

Pinaleno Mountains 8(4): 147-162, 175-191

Pincushion Cactus 21(2): 13-20

Pipevine 6(4): 203-207

Plains lovegrass 8(1): 3-14

Plant Collectors 1(1): 12-21; 6(1): 59-62;

Plant Material Center 1(1): 4-7

Plant Protection 1(2): 61-70

Plant Selection 1(1): 4-7

Plant Survival 5(4): 131-160, 186-190

Plant Symbolism 2(1): 3-61; 5(3): 122, 124

Plant appreciation 5(2): 66

Plant distribution 3(2): 98-106

Plantagenets 10(2): 60, 90, 96

Pollinators 3(3): 156-170; 6(2): 81-9

Poverty threeawn 8(1): 3-14

Prehistoric 7(2): 100, 107-112

Prehistoric plant use 14(2): 3-9

Prickly Pear 6(1): 64

Production 9(1): 32

Propagation 2(4): 204-216; 3(1): 3-8;

Prostrate 3(3): 148-152

Prostrate acacia 3(3): 149-152

Pulque agaves 10(2): 55-57

Purple threeawn 8(1): 3-14

Pyralid moth 7(1): 32

Ragged Top 16(2): 3-32

Ragged Top Mountain 16(2): 32

Range management 1(1): 4-7

Rare Plants 13(1): 25-27

Recipes 2(1): 3-61; 5(1): 8-10, 15-

Reforestation 12(1): 12-14

Reproductive biology 14(2): 11-20

Reproductive biology 7(2): 75-80

Research Ranch

Revegetation 1(2): 58-60; 2(2): 123-12

Rhizobia 5(1): 49-56; 5(3): 105-11

Rincon Mountains 8(2): 49-96

Rincon Mountains 8(2): 50-96

Riparian Restoration 11(4): 30-38

Riparian and Scrubland 9(3-4): 69-140

Riparian ecosystems 13(1): 11-17

Riparian plants 6(1): 15-22; 9(3-4): 68-13

Round Hill 14(1): 22-32

Rubber rabbitbrush 7(4): 172-180, 208-210

Russian olive 3(2): 88-91

Russian thistle 2(3): 197-200; 5(3): 112-


Saguaro 2(1): issue; 3(2): 82-86;

Salt cedar 3(2): 88-91

Salvias 7(4): 167-171

San Esteban Island 19(1): 15-28

Sand Dunes 6(1): 31-42, 51-54

Santa Cruz Valley 18(1): 3-36

Santa Cruz Valley 18(1): 3-36

Sawmill waste 1(2): 90-91

Sawtooth Mountains 15(2): 3-28

Scrub Oak 3(1): 44

Scrubland 9(3-4): 68-138

Scrublands 106-141

Seed Coat Treatments 17(1): 15-18

Seeds 2(4): 231; 3(1): 31-38; 3(

Seeds 3(3): 142-148

Selenium 5(2): 96

Seri Indians 20(2): 26-35

Sesbania 9(2): 45-57

Sewage sludge 8(3): 104, 105, 142-143

Shreve, Edith 8(1): 23-29

Sideoats grama 8(1): 3-14

Sky Islands 14(1): 8-21

Sky Islands 14(1): 8-21

Snakeroot oil 6(4): 203-207

Sociality 6(2): 66

Soil mixes 1(2): 82-89

Sonora Mexico 1(1): 33-36; 2(2): 87-114;

Sonoran Desert 3(3): 111-118; 5(4): 131-

South Africa 19(1): 8-14

South Mountain 10(3): 99-119

Southwestern U.S. 5(4): 162-179

Special events 5(2): 92-94

Speergebiet 20(2): 19-25

Spoehr, Herman Augustus 7(4): 166

Sprucetrop grama 8(1): 3-14

Squawbush 5(3): 122-124; 10(3): 122

Stomata 3(3): 153-155; 7(3): 154-

Stream debris 7(3): 142-153

Sunflowers 1(1): 23-26

Survival strategies 5(4): 131-161, 186-190

Swallowtail butterfly 6(4): 202-207

Tanglehead 8(1): 3-14

Tepary bean 5(1): issue

Tequila industry 7(2): 65-70

Tequila industry 7(2): 65-70

Texas 2(3): 141-179; 8(1): 3-14;

Thompson, William Boyce 3(4): 208-209

Thornber, J.J. 7(4): 181-183, 211

Tidestrom, Ivar 7(4): 181-183, 211

Tissue culture 17(2): 13-15

Tonto Basin 14(2): 3-9

Trailing indigo bush 2(2): 127-130

Trails 10(3): 120-121

Tucson Mountains 12(2): 1-48

Tucson Mountains 12(2): issue

Tumamoc Hill 10(1): 9-12; 35-47

Tundras 79-105

Turkmenistan 16(1): 20-28

USDA Soils Conservation 1(1): 4-7

Variable transect 20(2): 3-18

Vegetation of Gila River 124-140

Velvet ash 3(2): 88-91

Vesiculararbuscular mycorrhizae 7(3): 119-127

Vine mesquite 8(1): 3-14

Water harvesting 2(2): 131-134

Water relations 7(2): 51-56, 70

Water requirements 13(1): 18-24

Water use 17(2): 26-31

Water-wise landscaping 17(2): 3-12

Wetland trees 3(2): 88-91

Wetlands 25-33

Wheat 3(2): 77-81

Wild beans 5(2): 67-71, 82-88

Wild cochineal 6(1): 64

Wildlife 13(2): 3-13

Williams Air Force Base 17(1): 24-28

Willow 3(2): 88-91

Wire-lettuce 1(1): 22

Wolftail 8(1): 3-14

Woodlands 14(1): 8-21

Xericity 8(3): 98, 144

Xeriscaping 15(1): 11-23

Yucatan 7(2): 71-72, 80, 89-92

Yuccas 16(1): 10-19

Zimbabwe 17(2): 16-25ks.

Author Index


Abella, Scott R . 24(1): 16-23

Adams, Karen R . 14(2): 11-20

Adams, Rex K. 14-2: 11-20

Agrawal, Anurag A. 12(1): 12-14

Allred Kelly W. 3(2): 98-106, 15(1): 3-10, 18(2): 26-32, 21(2): 312

Al-Surrayai,T. 25(1): 21-26

Anderson, Walter 18(2): 3-20, 20(2): 3-18

Angell, Deborah 19(1): 31-36

Aronson, James A. 8(3): 125-135, 10(2): 65-74, 10(2): 79-86

Ashbeck, Jennifer 20(1): 33-42

Asplund, K.K. 9(1): 17-27

Augustine, Greg 1(2): 82-89

Augustine, John 1(2): 82-89

Austin, Daniel F. 8(1): 15-16

Bach, Dan 1(2): 82-89, 25(2): 10-12

Backhaus, Ralph 1:2): 82-89, 10(2): 91-95

Bahre, Conrad 7(4): 190-194, 11(4): 41-45, 14(1): 8-21, 17(1): 14, 23(2):3-44

Baker, William P. 17(2): 13-15

Balling, Robert C. 27(2): 21-33

Bansal, Rajinder P. 3(1): 31-38

Baroon, Z. 25(1): 21-26

Baynham, Patti 28(1): 22-27

Berlyn, Graeme P. 24(1): 3-12

Berry, J.W. 5(1): 11-14

Bertelsen, C. David 12(2): 1-48, 34(1,2): 3-248

Bezy, John 23(2): 3-44

Bhansali, R. Raj 27(2): 17-20

Bierner, Mark 22(1): 27

Binder, B.F. 10(2): 75-78

Bloss, H.E. 7(3): 119-127

Bock, Carl E. 8(1): 3-14

Bock, Jane H. 8(1): 3-14

Bohrer, Vorsila L. 5(3): 122-124, 10(3): 122-125, 14(2): 3-9

Bourgeron, Patrick S. 11(2-3): 3-68

Bouscaren, S.J. 5(1): 38-42

Bousquet, Joseph 3(4): 213-215

Bowen, Thomas 19(1): 15-28, 20(2): 26-35

Bowers, Janice E. 2(4): 232-236, 6(1): 31-42, 7(4): 181-183, 8(1): 23-29, 8(2): 51-94, 10(1): 9-12, 14(1): 3-7, 26(1): 25-40

Boykin-Bouscaren, L.A. 5(1): 38-42

Brady, Ward, W. 6(1): 55-58

Brock, J.H. 10(1): 3-8, 10(2): 91-95

Brown, David E. 4(1-4): 1-344, 29(2): 4-158, 29(2): 4-158

Brown, William H. 8(4): 172-174, 10(1): 32-34, 10(2): 87-90, 11(1): 23-31

Buchmann, Stephen L.8(3): 111-124, 12(1): 3-11

Buhrow, R. 5(2): 67-71

Burgess, Martha Ames 5(1): 3-7

Burgess, Tony L. 7(2): 39-50

Burke, Anje 20(2): 19-25, 22(1): 3-7

Búrquez, Alberto 12(1): 23-32

Busman, Caryl L. 6(4): 189-202

Butler, Gregory J. 26(2): 23-33

Butler, Lane 27(1):3-10

Carril, Olivia Messinger 30(1): 3-8

Carter, Steven A. 13(1): 18-24, 17(1): 24-28

Ceotto, Enrico 25(1): 10-15

Chew, Matthew K. 13(1): 11-17, 27(1): 3-10

Clark, Thomas O.3(3): 124-140, 6(1): 23-30

Cluff, C.B. 6(2): 70-72

Cole, Serena L. 1(1): 8-11

Collins, James P. 4(1-4): 17-23

Cooke, Todd J. 28(1): 7-21

Corgan, Joe 1(2): 82-89

Cornett, James W. 7(3): 164, 8(4): 169-171

Crider, Franklin J. 25(2): 14-16

Crosswhite, Carol D. 3(3): 156-170, 5(2): 92-93, 5(3): 125, 5(4): 131-161, 6(1): 43-50, 6(2): 203-207, 7(1): 32, 7(3): 128-139, 8(3): 98, 144, 8(4): 167-168, 9(1): 2,6,16,31, 9(2): 34, 53-54, 9(34): 140, 10(1): 2, 10(2): 50, 96, 10(3): 98

Crosswhite, Frank S. 1(1): 12, 2(1): 3-61, 2(3): 141-179, 2(4): 205-216, 3(2): 47-76, 3(3): 156-170, 3(4): 193-201, 5(4): 131-161, 6(4): 179-181, 7(1): 3-11, 7(2): 115-116, 7(3): 128-129, 7(4): 195-203, 8(1): 45-46, 8(3): 98, 144, 8(4): 167-168, 9(3-4): 140, 10(1): 2,10, 10(3): 98, 11(4): 9-31, 13(2): 3-13

Cruz-Ramos, Carlos A. 7(2): 71-73

Curtin, Charles G. 24(2): 3-52

Daniel, Thomas F. 5(4): 162-179, 10(3): 99-119

Davis, T.D. 7(4): 172-180

Davis Tim D. 16(1): 3-9

Day, A.D. 2(2): 123-126, 3(2): 77-81, 3(4): 210-212, 5(2): 89-91, 6(2): 70-72, 8(1): 17-19, 8(3): 104-105, 10(2): 58-60

Dewey, W.G. 3(2): 77-81

Dimmitt, Mark A. 1(2): 82-89, 2(4): 205-216, 8(3): 88-103, 12(2): 1-48, 30(2): 3-71

Dobrena, A.K. 3(3): 153-155, 5(3): 118-121, 11(1): 3-5

Dobyns, H.F. 9(2): 49-53

Drezner, Taly Dawn 20(1): 3-10, 20(1): 24-32

Ellert, Anthon F.N. 17(2): 16-25

Ellert, Mary Wilkins 22(1): 8-17

Engelking, Lisa D. 11(2-3): 3-68

Engel-Wilson, Carolyn 13(2): 14-17

Equihua, M. 9(2): 35-44

Esque, Todd C. 20(1): 40-55

Ezcurra, R.S. 9(2): 35-44

Feldman, William R. 2(4): 205-216, 6(2): 67-69, 11(4): 9-31, 13(1): 18-24, 16-1: 20-28, 17(2): 24-28, 31(1):10-19

Felger Richard S. 2(2): 87-114, 3(3): 111-118, 9(2): 35-44, 20(2): 26-35

Fenner, Pattie 6(1): 55-58

Ferg, Alan 19(2): 3-56

Findley, W.R. 3(4): 203-205

Fischer, Pierre C. 5(4): 180-185

Fish, Paul R. 7(2): 107-112

Fish, Suzanne K. 7(2): 107-112

Fontana, Bernard L. 2(1): 62-78

Fontes, Miguel R. 3(3): 111-118, 5(2): 76-81

Foster Kennith E. 2(2): 81-86, 2(3): 197-200, 2(4): 205-216, 5(3): 112-117

Fraser, George 1(2): 82-89

Freeman, C. Edward 7(2): 75-80

Funicelli, Carianne 20(1): 16-23, 20(1): 33-42


Garcia-Moya, Edmundo 7(2): 81-87, 10(2): 55-57

Gass, Ron 1(2): 82-89

Gass, Victor 1(2): 82-89

Gasser, Robert E. 3(4): 216-234

Gentry, Howard Scott 4(1-4): 73-77, 7(2): 36-116

Gierisch, Ralph K. 3(1): 9-16

Gilbert, Edward 21(1): 3-60

Glat, D. 3(3): 153-155, 5(3): 118-121

Glenn, Edward P. 3(3): 111-118, 5(2): 76-81

Gooch, M.T. 9(1): 17-27

Goodale, Uromi M. 24(1): 3-12

Gormally, J. 27(1):19-31

Goyal, S. P. 25(2): 3-9

Grigsby, Dave 1(2): 82-89

Groen, J. 26(1): 22-24

Haines, Dustin F. 20(1): 49-55

Halvorson, Bill 19(1): 31-36, 19(1): 43-48, 19(1): 49-55

Hanks, Tyrone Harvard 17(2): 13-15

Hansen, Chuck 2(4): 205-216

Harris, Lisa K. 20(1): 33-42

Hellekson, Lyndsay 25(1): 3-9

Hendrickson, Dean A. 6(3): 131-175

Hills, R. James 20(2): 26-35

Hogan, LeMoyne 1(2): 82-89

Holland, Mariana 1(2): 71-76

Holzworth, Larry K. 1(1): 4-7

Hughes, Lee 12(1): 15-22, 13(1): 25-27, 21(2): 13-20, 25(1): 27-34

Humphrey, A.B. 10(2): 51-54

Humphrey, Robert R. 2(3): 183-187, 3(2): 92-97, 10(2): 51-54

Humphries, Hope C. 11(2-3): 3-68

Hunt, Robert 18(2): 3-20, 20(2): 3-18

Hutchinson, Charles F.23(2): 3-44

Hutton, Kelly 20(1): 33-42

Huxtable, Ryan 24(1): 42

Iltis, Hugh H. 3(4): 175-192

Jenkins, Philip 12(1): 1-48

Johnson, Joan C. 1(2): 82-89

Johnson, Matthew B. 10(3): 126-144, 13(2): 18-32, 14(2): 21-28, 15(1): 26-28, 16(1): 14-19, 17(1): 30-32, 21(2): 21-32, 26(2): 34-35; 27(2): 13-16, 31(1): 4-9, 20-27, 28-35, 31(2): 4-68

Johnson, William T. 8(3): 140-141, 8(4): 147-162

Jones, Warren D. 1(1): 33-36, 2(2): 127-130, 3(1): 18-28

Joseph, Gene E. 2(4): 205-216

Karpiscak, Martin M. 2(3): 107-200, 5(3): 112-117

Kinnison, William A. 1(1): 29-32

Kolarkar, A.S. 6(1): 5-8

Krausman, Paul R. 8(4): 172-174, 10(1): 32-34, 10(2): 87-90, 25(2): 3-9

Laferrière, Joseph E. 13(1): 28-30

Lambert, J.B. 26(1): 3-8

Lampe, Kenneth F. 8(1): 32-37

Lake, Kirsten 25(1): 17-20

Lee, Maggie 22(1): 18-26

Lehto, Elinor 1(1): 22

Liang, Irene 26(2):23-33

Licher, Max 21(1): 3-60

Lipke, William 1(2): 82-89

Lowe, Charles H. 3(2): 83-86, 4(1-4): 8-16, 4(1-4): 302-315

Ludeke, K.L. 3(4): 210-212, 8(1): 20-22, 8(3): 136-139, 10(2): 58-60

Mackay, Wayne A. 16(1): 3-9

Madsen, John 7(2): 107-112

Magid, H. M. Abdel 9(2): 45-47

Mahan, Don M. 24(1): 13-15, 26(1): 9-15

Makings, Elizabeth 22(2): 3-104, 27(1): 3-10, 29(2): 1-160, 29(2): 4-158

Malusa, Jim 19(1): 31-36

Mannheimer, Coleen 20(2): 19-25

Manshardt, Richard M. 5(1): 43-48

Marin, Louis Eduardo 17(2): 13-15

Martin, Chris A. 17(2): 26-31

Martinez-Morales, Rafael 7(2): 61-64

Marx, David B. 2(3): 183-187

Mason, Charles T. Jr. 1(2): 77-81, 3(1): 29-30, 8(1): 38-40

Mauz, Kathryn 15(2): 1-28, 18(1): 1-36

May, Judson E. 8(4): 163-166

May Richard W. 11(1): 6-22

McArthur, E.D. 7(4): 172-180

McAulliffe, Joseph R. 32(1): 4-90

McDaniel, Robert G. 7(2): 57-60

McGinnies, William G. 1(2): 52-57, 6(4): 182-188

McKittrick, R.T. 1(1): 46-48, 1(2): 95-96, 2(2): 135-137, 2(3): 180-182, 2(4): 217-218, 3(1): 39-43, 3(2): 87, 3(3): 141

McLaughlin, Steven 8(2): 51-94, 9(1): 7-16

McNeill, Brad 27(2): 21-33

Meyer, Susan 7(2): 61-64

Mielke, Judy 15(1): 18-23

Miksicek, Charles 7(2): 107-112

Miller, Victor J. 5(3): 99-104, 14(2): 10, 15(1): 25

Milthorpe, Peter 14(1): 22-40

Minch, Edwin W. 11(4): 9-31

Minckley, W.L. 3(3): 124-140, 4(1-4): 17-23, 4(1-4): 224-287, 6(1): 23-30, 6(3): 131-175, 7(3): 142-153

Minnich, Richard A. 17(1): 3-14

Mittleman, Marc 2(4): 205-216

Moir, W.H. 11(2-3): 3-68

Morales, Susana 20(1): 33-42, 20(1): 43-48

Mortenson, Martin A. 1(2): 58-60

Mosjidis, Jorge A. 7(1): 25-26

Moussa, Sanaa A.I. 27(2):3-12

Muldavin, Esteban 11(2-3): 3-68

Mulford, Barbara 3(3): 149-152

Muthana, K.D. 6(1): 5-8

Myles, T.G. 10(2): 75-78


Nabhan, Gary Paul 1(1): 23-26, 2(3): 188-196

Narenda, Sankhla 16(1): 3-9

Nault, L.R. 3(4): 203-205

Newell, Alan C. 28(1): 7-21

Newland, Kent C. 2(4): 205-216, 7(1): 3-11

Niethammer, Carolyn 5(1): 8-10

Nobel, Park S. 7(2): 51-56 10(2): 55-57

Norem, Margaret A. 17(1): 19-23, 22(1): 28, 26(2): 36; 27(1): 11-13

Oliver, Ian 19(1): 3-7, 30(1): 9-18

O’Neal, Robert J. 10(1): 32-34

Orellana, Roger 7(2): 71-73

Padmesh, S. 25(2): 18-23

Palzkill, D. 3(3): 153-155, 5(3): 118-121

Pase, Charles P. 4(1-4): 27-51, 4(1-4): 86-99

Patton, David R. 4(1-4): 7, 6(1): 55-58

Pauker, Ran 17(2): 3-12

Pendleton, Steve 1(2): 82-89

Perrill, Robert H. 6(4): 208

Petrie, Jeffrey M. 24(1): 24-41, 25(2): 24-40

Pettigrew, Maryu 1(2): 90-91

Pierson, Elizabeth A. 20(1): 33-42

Pinkava, Donald J. 7(2): 36-116

Pope, D.P. 10(2): 91-95

Pratt, Richard C. 2(2): 131-134, 5(1): 57-63

Poulos, Helen M. 24(1): 3-12

Randall, Cay 7(1): 32, 8(4): 163-166

Rautenstrauch, Kurt R. 8(4): 172-174

Rawles R. Leslie 2(3): 197-200

Reeder, Charlotte G. 7(1): 22-23, 10(1): 19-22

Reeder, John R. 7(1): 22-23, 10(1): 19-22

Reichenbacher, Frank W. 6(1): 15-22, 7(2): 103-106

Reid, William H. 7(2): 75-80

Rinne, John N. 7(3): 142-153

Robert, Manuel L. 7(2): 71-73

Robinson, D. Lowell 11(1): 3-5

Rodiek, Jon 2(2): 119-122, 3(2): 88-91

Rondeau, Renée 12(1): 1-48

Rorabaugh, James C. 11(4): 32-40

Rusche, Maxine 1(2): 82-89

Russell, A.D. 9(2): 35-44


Sacamano, Charles 1(1): 27-28, 6(2): 67-69

Sankhla, N. 7(4): 172-180

Santiago-Blay, J.A. 26(1); 3-8

Scannell, Carol 2(4): 205-216

Schaller, Julie 1(2): 82-89

Scheerens, J.C. 5(1): 11-14

Schmutz, Ervin M. 7(1): 13-21

Schuck, S.M. 9(1): 7-16

Schwalbe, Cecil R. 20(1): 49-55

Seegmiller, R.F. 10(2): 87-90

Sen, David N. 3(1): 31-38

Shantz, Homer L. 25(2): 17

Shaw, William W. 20(1): 33-42

Shipman, Charles W. 12(1): 3-14

Shipman, Patrick D. 28(1): 7-21

Siegel, R.S. 10(1): 3-8

Siegwarth, Mark 25(1): 17-20, 25(2): 13, 26(1): 16-21; 26(2): 19-22; 27(1): 14-18; 27(2): 34-36; 28(1): 3-6, 30(1): 29-39

Singleton, P.W. 9(2): 45-57

Sinha, Bitapi C. 25(2): 3-9

Smith David A. 7(1): 13-21

Smith, M.J. 10(1): 13-18

Smith, William T. 3(4): 208-209

Sourabie, Martin K. 7(1): 13-21

Starr, Gregory D. 5(2): 72-75, 5(2): 72-75, 7(4): 167-171, 8(1): 38-40, 9(1): 3-5, 11(4): 3-8, 14(2): 30-32, 15(1): 29-32

Steenbergh, Warren F 3(2): 83-86

St. Hilaire, Rolston 17(1): 15-18, 19(1): 29-30

Stone, Anne M. 1(2): 77-81

Stone, Kim W. 13(1): 18-24

Stone, S.E. 10(1): 13-18

Stromberg, Juliet C. 13(1): 11-17, 27(1): 3-10

Sundberg, Marshall D. 7(3): 154-157

Sussman, Spencer 26(2): 23-33

Swingle, R.S. 3(2): 77-81, 8(1): 17-19, 8(3): 104-105

Szaro, Robert C. 9(3-4): 69-138

Taia, Wafaa K. 27(2): 3-12

Tavares, J.W. 9(2): 45-47

Tawfiq, H. 25(2): 18-23

Taylor, Jonathan G 5(3): 112-117

Teiwes, Helga 5(1): 15-37

Tellman, Barbara 13(1): 3-10, 18(2): 21-25

Tello-Balderas J. 7(2): 81-87

Thames, J.L. 2(2): 123-126

Thoma, Paul E. 5(3): 105-111

Thomas, Claire V. 5(1): 43-48

Thompson, Henry 8(3): 125-135

Thompson, R.K. 8(1): 17-19, 8(3): 104-105

Tinsley, A.M. 5(1): 11-14

Titus, Jonathan H. 20(1): 11-15

Tucker, T.C. 2(2): 123-126, 6(2): 70-72

Turner, Raymond M. 4(1-4): 145-155, 4(1-4): 157-168, 4(1-4): 157-158, 4(1-4): 181-221, 6(4): 189-202, 19(2): 16-25, 26(2): 3-18

U.S. Dept. of the Interior, BLM 2(2): 115-118

Univ of AZ, Dept Plant Science 2(4): 205-216

Valenzuela-Zapata A. 7(2): 65-70

Van Devender, Rebecca 8(1): 38-40

Van Devender, Thomas R. 12(1): 1-48, 30(2): 3-71

Verrier, James. 33(2):3-292

Waines, J.G. 5(1):38-42

Waldon, Hollis B. 8(3): 106-110

Waller, Gordon D. 6(2): 81-94

Weber, C.W. 5(1): 11-14

Weber, D.J. 7(4): 172-180

Webb, Robert H. 26(2): 3-18

Wells, D. 26(1): 22-24

West, Joanne 25(1): 35-40

Whiting, Frank M. 8(4): 172-174, 10(1): 32-34, 10(2): 87-90

Wiens, John F. 16(2): 1-32, 30(2): 3-71

Williams, Pat 1(2): 82-89

Wilson, Rebecca K. 12(1): 1-48

Wilson, Tom 26(1): 23-33

Wolterbeek, Paul 22(1): 29-32

Woywood, Brett G. 15(1): 11-17

Wright N.Gene 5(3): 112-117

Yang, Tien Wei 7(3): 140-141

Yateem, A. 25(1): 21-26

Yatskievych, George 2(4): 237-243, 3(1): 29-30, 5(4): 180-185

Yensen, Nicholas P. 3(3): 111-118, 5(2): 76-81

Yetman, David A. 12(1): 23-32

Yoklic, Martin R. 3(3): 119-123

Zaman, S. 25(2): 18-23

Zavada, M.S. 10(2): 61-64

Info for Authors

Appropriate Topic

Manuscripts describing research on many aspects adapted to arid and semi-arid climates are appropriate for Desert Plants. These research topics can include plant cultivation, ecology, ethnobotany, environmental physiology, taxonomy and diversity, landscape architecture and many other plant related topics.


Manuscripts should be submitted via email to Editor, Matt Johnson MJohnson@ag.arizona.edu.
Communication with the editor is also via email.

General Requirements

Manuscripts should be written at a technical level consistent with botanical garden or arboretum (museum) approach to research and public education. Highly technical jargon is not consistent with Desert Plants publication policies. The manuscript should be submitted in Word WITHOUT technical formatting. Digital images should be submitted as tiff files or high resolution jpegs. DO NOT IMBED images, drawings, graphs, etc. in the manuscript. Email each image as a SEPARATE ATTACHMENT.
Manuscripts must be in English. Length of the manuscript is highly variable. If the manuscript is quite lengthy, it is necessary to discuss the length with the editor prior to submission.


List citation alphabetically according to the following example:
Palgrave, Keith C., R.B. Drummond and Eugene J. Moll. 1977. Trees of South Africa. Cape Town: C. Struik. 959 pp.
Le Jardin Naturel. 17 Aug. 2010. Baobabs. http://www.baobabs.com/Baobabs_cultivation.htm
Bowers, J.E. 1996. Growth rate and life span of a prickly pear cactus, Opuntia engelmannii, in the northern Sonoran Desert. Southwestern Naturalist 41:315-334

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