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Activity: Learn about Desert Burrows

Desert burrow activity page for kids, free printable

Posted on August 21, 2023 By

Why do Desert Animals Burrow?

In Arizona, the summer heat makes it too hot to be outside during the day. Just like you go inside where there is air conditioning to stay cool, some desert animals go to a place to stay cool. They go underground. 

The temperature underground is about 20 degrees cooler than the temperature above ground. Thatโ€™s a big difference! No wonder the animals prefer to be underground during the hot Arizona days.


Materials Needed:

  • Sand
  • Something to draw with

Step 1: Uncover an outdoor sandbox or a small box of sand and expose it to the sun.

Step 2: Once the top of the sand heats up, feel the sand with your hands. (Have an adult feel the sand first to make sure itโ€™s not too hot to touch). How does the sand feel? Is it hot, warm, cool, or cold?

Step 3: Dig your hand into the sand. How does the sand feel? Is it hot, warm, cool, or cold?

Step 4: What animals do you think burrow in the desert? Make a few guesses. Next, learn about desert wildlife that burrow. You can read about small burrowing animals in this blog post. You can read about desert tortoises that burrow from this fact page.

Step 5: Download and print the image below. Draw a few of the animals you learned about in their desert burrows. Share your drawing with someone else. Teach them what you learned about desert animals that burrow.

Desert Burrow Activity Page

Burrowing is a survival strategy. It allows desert animals to overcome the challenges that come with the extreme conditions of their habitat. The ability to burrow helps them find refuge, regulate their body temperature, and also protect themselves from predators.

Try to find desert burrows next time you are outside. Look for small holes in the ground, like the holes pictured below. A great place to find desert burrows is along the trails at Boyce Thompson Arboretum. Just remember, it’s very important to respect the homes of wildlife and not disturb their burrows. This is important for protecting the animals that rely on them.

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