The Harmful Effects of Tree Carving

Let’s take a second to reflect on a time when we were enjoying nature. Where were you? Was it at Boyce Thompson Arboretum? Were you enjoying the stroll through the eucalyptus forest? Were you walking around the cactus garden? I bet it wasn’t looking at all these tree carvings on Mr. Big or other trees around the property. Carving on trees can cause infections from fungus and pests, disrupt their normal functions on photosynthesis, and are an eyesore for those of us who don’t want to see someone’s name and date in a tree.
Tree bark is the equivalent of human skin providing protection from infections through bacteria, fungus, and pests. If the bark layer is broken it creates an open wound that allows for diseases to enter the tree like a virus entering the human body through an open cut. While these infections and diseases might not kill the tree right away, they can eventually lead to its death. Many trees are connected through an underground fungal network. These networks can spread diseases one tree has incurred from the damage to the bark from carvings. On most trees, the bark will scab over similar to human skin, but the scar will never go away and always be a permanent reminder of the damage it has endured.
Carving in trees disrupts the natural processes of the tree and can do irreparable damage. The outer layer of bark protects the inner layer of the tree’s vascular system. Two of the important vascular systems in the tree’s stem or trunk are known as xylem and phloem which transport water, sugar, and other nutrients to different parts of the tree. When these two systems are damaged, it could cause the tree to starve to death because of the vascular system disruption.

Tree carvings infringe on other naturalists trying to enjoy the majesty of the tree. Unlike other forms of graffiti, carvings on a tree are permanent and cannot be undone. Whoever carved on the tree has forever altered the natural scenery that the rest of us must endure. Other visitors to the area will see these carvings and might think it is alright to carve on the tree. Which could lead to more damage to it and potentially to the death of the tree. But these trees do not deserve to be carved on for the enjoyment of others. Trees provide so much for local ecosystems and if all the trees disappeared, where would these animals go?
Tree carving creates an environment that harms trees in several ways and does not follow the leave-no-trace principles. Carving on trees allows for infection from bacteria, fungus, and pests that can lead to the death of the tree. While also impeding the tree’s ability to transport nutrients through its stem. Graffiti on trees might seem like a good idea at the time, but it diminishes the aesthetic value of the natural world through ignorant human actions. This Arbor Day, let’s protect our trees by avoiding carving on them.